GAME_SPORTS BASEBALL.LZH 131072 02-15-93 BASEBALL CGA baseball game. Excellent graphics, many features and options. Good game with controllable action. 3 modes of play, computer vs. computer, player vs. computer & player vs. player. Nice game! BASEBL.LZH 98304 02-15-93 BASEBALL V1.8 Full featured CGA/Monochrome Graphic Base Ball. Has many features, keeps total stats for 2 teams that you name (hits, runs, balls, errors, etc.), Displays graphic field. Well done game, good playability. BATTERUP.LZH 98304 02-15-93 BATTER-UP A comprehensive graphic simulation of baseball. Maintains complete stats for each player (hits, singles, doubles, walks, etc.). Supports any speed machine, displays stats and records at end of game. Requires CGA or monochrome. BYFOTB.LZH 32768 02-15-93 BACKYARD FOOTBALL 1.00 A DOS text mode real-time football game for one or two players. Modeled after the old hand held football games. Complete runnung stats, and challenging control of passing, running and kicking made this a fun game. Games can be saved and loaded in progress FOOTGEN.LZH 344064 02-15-93 FIELD GENERAL 6.11 Field General brings the exciting game of professional football to your PC! The plays, and statistics, mirror those of an acutual game. Many options make this an exciting game. Rqs, 512k, HD, CGA/VGA. ASP NCRGOLF.LZH 98304 02-15-93 NCR GOLF Good CGA golf game. Select club, judge windspeed & direction, aim, & whop it! Good graphics, full featured. Different views, trees, sand pits & more! PCBOWL.LZH 65536 02-15-93 PC-BOWL CGA bowling game. Keeps score, displays a graphic picture of the bowling alley. Multiple players, keeps score & more. PCPOOL.LZH 32768 02-15-93 PC-POOL CGA Pool game. Good quality with limited features. Rack'em, break'em then set up your shots. Fun, easy to control and play. PROCHAL.LZH 147456 02-15-93 PROCHALLENGE BASEBALL Play your team like a major league manager! Pick players on their abilities, not statistics, then watch them play. Pitch by pitch play, 6 pitching styles, 20 offense & 18 defense formations. Excellent CGA graphics, sound effects, & more! Top quality! TEEDOFF.LZH 65536 02-15-93 TEED-OFF Full-featured CGA golf game. Select clubs, direction, force of swing, and more. Nice graphic display, fun and easy to play. TENNIS.LZH 49152 02-15-93 TENNIS Great graphic Tennis game. Displays scores, different skill levels, two players or computer plays. Excellent CGA graphics.